A 4-week Unit* on Understanding the Sacraments of the Orthodox Church
*Plus One Extra Christmas Party to Be Used Any Time
(Part of our Crossroads 7th-12th grade curriculum)
Suggested Calendar: January 7th - January 28th
Think you know all the Sacraments of the Orthodox Church? This month, teens will explore not just what the Sacraments are, but what it means to live a sacramental life in the Church. Teens likely know what communion is, but do they know why the Orthodox Church does not have “open” communion? Teens likely know we partake in confession in the presence of a priest, but do they know why and what authority the priest has through the sacrament of priesthood? Most people have seen an Orthodox wedding, but what does the sacrament of marriage teach us about the purpose of marriage…and dating? This month, we challenge teens to find answers to pressing questions important to living the Sacramental Life of the Church.
"While we do not look at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen. For the things which are seen are temporary, but the things which are not seen are eternal." 2 Corinthians 4:18