With the flurry of holidays behind us, many are letting out a sigh of relief after the exhausting travels, decorating, wrapping gifts, and a partridge in a pear tree. Yet, every year – we do this to ourselves… in fact, if you’re like my wife, you look forward to it… it’s your “favorite time of year” - why? Well, just like her passion for Sunday school, the answer is “love”.
If you haven’t ventured to guess by my name, I am the behind the scenes’ husband of the author of Bridges to Orthodoxy, Shereen Marcus, with a unique perspective of the love and dedication she pours into these materials week after week, month after month, year after year.
The question that comes up most often, which she kindly and patiently answers pertains to the cost of the curriculum… well, really, why it has a cost at all.
Oftentimes, when we hear that a curriculum for Church has any cost attached to it, we are “offended” by the notion... but here's the truth- we love you; we love your kids, we love the kids in your parish, we love the kids who have yet to fall in love with Jesus, and we love the kids who have walked away from Jesus/church/the Orthodox faith and whether they know it or now, desire a way back. Because we LOVE your kids, we believe they deserve quality materials.
And because I love you, I want to be transparent and bold. Keep reading...