(March) I AM: A 2-Month Unit on Christ's Powerful I AM Statements

(March) I AM: A 2-Month Unit on Christ's Powerful I AM Statements

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Month 1 of a 2-Month Lent Unit on Christ's Powerful "I AM" Statements

(Part of our Crossroads 7th-12th Grade Curriculum)

 Suggested Calendar: March 5-April 30**

This Lent Season will focus on the powerful “I Am” statements made by Christ. Jesus made a lot of claims while He was on earth of who He was/is. If we truly believe them, then shouldn’t our lives be different? That is exactly what we will be exploring in this two-month series with our teens. “I am the Good Shepherd”; “I am the Bread of Life”; “I am the True Vine”; “I am….” What do these metaphors teach us about what our life should look like? What our relationship with Christ should look like? 

“He said to them, “But who do you say that I am?’” Matthew 16:15

**NOTE: Bundle discount pricing is available for this item if you wish to purchase both months at once. Keep in mind discount pricing is unavailable if you are using a Membership Code or other Discount codes

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