(March) Follow Me, Part I

(March) Follow Me, Part I

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Month 1 of a 2-Month Unit on the Biblical Character Study on Those Who Answered Jesus' Call

(Part of our Crossroads 7th-12th Grade Curriculum)

 Suggested Calendar: March 3-April 21**

"Follow Me." Jesus uttered these words to many, but only some answered His call.

Most of Jesus' followers were very unlikely disciples: fishermen, a tax collector, a woman previously possessed by demons, and others. They saw something in Jesus that was worth following. This Lent unit will be a character study - some said "yes" and some said "no," but what does ti really mean to "click" on "Follow Me"?

"When He had called the people to Himself, with His disciples also, He said to them, 'Whoever desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow Me.'"
Mark 8:34.

**NOTE: Bundle discount pricing is available for this item if you wish to purchase both months at once. Keep in mind discount pricing is unavailable if you are using a Membership Code or other Discount codes.



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