(May) The Social Media Dilemma: A 4-Week Unit on Technology and Using Social Media Responsibly

(May) The Social Media Dilemma: A 4-Week Unit on Technology and Using Social Media Responsibly

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A 4-Week Unit on Technology and Using Social Media Responsibly

(Part of our Crossroads 7th-12th Grade Curriculum)

 Suggested Calendar: May 7-May 28 

We live in a blessed age where we can keep in contact with loved ones in different states and different countries with a touch of a button; mail no longer requires postage stamps; and virtually everyone is accessible any time, anywhere. Unfortunately, our never-ending access to technology and social media is a blessing and a curse – one that requires discipline, boundaries, and self-control. If we are not careful, social media can take priority to real life relationships, empathy, and moral judgment. This month we will explore the importance of our responsibilities using this mixed blessing – of taking control of our social media usage before it controls us.

“Do not be like the horse or the mule, which have no understanding but must be controlled by bit and bridle or they will not come to you.” Psalm 32:9


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