The Color of a Do-Er: Retreat On Our Unique Temperaments through the Story of Nehemiah

The Color of a Do-Er: Retreat On Our Unique Temperaments through the Story of Nehemiah

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Unique Temperament / Leadership Topic (Using the Story of Nehemiah) Designed as "Workshops" or as a Weekend "Retreat" for Teens


- 4 Large-Group Sessions (including games, illustrations, videos, rich content, and more)

- 4 Small Group Discussion Breakouts (including thought-provoking questions and answers and life applications)

- 4 Quiet Time Sheets 

- 1 Group Challenge Activity 

- A Retreat-Round-Up Card to Print for Parents

- Participant Booklets Ready to Print - Just add your Retreat Schedule!

Have you ever met a "Do-Er"? Someone who has a knack for walking in a room, noticing everything, and immediately being "on it"? They see the spilled orange juice and immediately wipe it up. Or they notice there are packets that need to be passed out, so they get to work right away doing that. A "Do-Er" is someone who is "on it" for everything without anyone asking.

What if this ability is not about personality or temperament, but about training yourself to open your eyes and pay attention? Sure, we all have our God-given strengths and weaknesses, but those can be leveraged to become a Do-Er rather than as an excuse to be a "Talker." This retreat we will help our teens find out their "color" temperament and, more importantly, help them find their plan of action. The truth is, God calls all of us to action, to care.

Using the story of Nehemiah, we hope to inspire and convert a lot of teens into "Do-Ers" as we talk about the importance, in God's eyes, of taking initiative, seeing a need and fulfilling it before being asked. There is no greater example of this than Nehemiah. A humble cupbearer, with a love of his country and his God, he saw a hard job that needed to be done, and he got up and did something about it. Let's all strive to be more like Nehemiah and realize we are all the color of a Do-Er.

Check out this VIDEO for more information about this awesome Retreat Unit!

"And whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord and not to men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the reward of the inheritance; for you serve the Lord Christ." Colossians 3:23

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