(June) BOLD! A 5-Week Series on Our Call to Evangelism

(June) BOLD! A 5-Week Series on Our Call to Evangelism

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A 5-Week Unit on Our Call to Evangelism

(Part of our Crossroads 7th-12th Grade Curriculum)

 Suggested Calendar: June 2 - June 30

Around this time of year, we celebrate Pentecost - an important feast centered around Evangelism. A call to spread the word of Christ from one end of the earth to the other. What does that mean to a modern-day teen? Standing on corners handing out pamphlets? Yelling at "sinners" from the street? Forcing our beliefs down the throats of others?

If we're honest, some of us paint an awful picture of the word "evangelism." A lot of that comes from fear of condemnation in this world and insecurity of our own knowledge. In fact, St. Francis of Assisi is popularly attributed as saying, "Preach the Gospel at all times, and if necessary, use words."

Evangelism comes in all forms and sizes, just as our talents come in all forms and sizes. Some of us are teachers, some of us are creative builders, some of us are nurturing helpers. Evangelism is not about the words we speak, but about showing Christ's love to people. This month, we hope to inspire our teens to be the Gospel to others, to live BOLD so that by all possible means, we might save some.

"To the Jews I became Like a Jew, to win the Jews. To those under the Law I became Like one under the Law (though I myself am not under the Law), to win those under the Law. To those without the Law I became Like one without the Law (though I am not outside the Law of God but am under the Law of Christ), to win those without the Law. To the weak I became weak, to win the weak. I have become all things to all people so that by all possible means I might save some." 1 Corinthians 9:20-22

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