A 4-Week Unit on Ridding Ourselves of Guilt and Shame
(Part of our Crossroads 7th-12th Grade Curriculum)
Suggested Calendar: May 12* - May 26
*Although we presume parishes will not hold Sunday school on May 5th (the Feast of the Resurrection), the unit still contains 4 lessons. One is "extra" that can be used at any time.
We've all done or said things that made us a bit "red-faced" embarrassed. Sometimes our guilt over what we've done bleeds into shame over how we see ourselves, how we treat others, and even what we think about God.
Shame can be very harmful and is not in line with God's loving grace - our Healer. This month, we hope to challenge our teens in testing that foundation. When they have an embarrassing moment, or a time where they did or said something wrong, where do they find refuge? In Whom is their foundation? Shame is not just guilt or embarrassment over what we've done- it is feeling we are something bad, which is not from God. In God's eyes we are loved, and we are precious.
"Those who Look to Him are radiant. Their faces are never covered with shame." Psalm 34:5