A 5-Week Unit on the Fruits of Obedience to God Through the Lens of the Old Testament Prophets
(Part of our Crossroads 7th-12th Grade Curriculum)
Suggested Calendar: October 1 - October 29
Whether it be running a stop sign, speeding, staying out past curfew, or eating the candy before dinner, we all struggle with the concept of “obedience” – especially if we do not understand, if we do not agree, or if we think we know better. When we disobey a traffic law or a household rule, we may or may not suffer a consequence, but we 100% have chosen to live outside the protection of that traffic law and rule. The same thing is true when we disobey God’s law. We may or may not suffer an Earthly consequence, but we have 100% chosen to live outside the protection of God’s law.
This month, our Biblical Study is focused on the Patriarchs of the Old Testament and an old-familiar pattern of disobedience. The disobedience in the Garden of Eden costed humanity everything, and the continued pattern of disobedience with Noah, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob continued to make life harder than necessary. We hope to challenge teens to re-think the value of obediently submitting to God’s authority, safety, and plan. When we choose to believe we “know better,” we choose to live without God’s protection… and that’s not a good place to be.
"The eye that mocks his father, And scorns obedience to his mother, The ravens of the valley will pick it out, And the young eagles will eat it." Proverbs 30:17